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Dissonance | Orchis, iPercussion – Progetti elettroacustici presso la Scuola Superiore di Musica di Ginevra

Orchis, iPercussion

Current Electroacoustic Projects at the Geneva University of Music

Éric Daubresse
In this presentation, Éric Daubresse offers a clear introduction to two research projects currently in design at the Geneva University of Music. The first one, Orchis, consists in a computer tool simulating a «virtual orchestra» ready for the needs of composers. It allows for intuitive, empirical experimentations of timbre, mass, etc., where it is possible to generate, for instance, different orchestrations of a same chord. The second project, iPercussion, (with which come various programs: i-perc table, Airplane, Surface Editor, Surface Tracker), develops a new form of percussion instrument which can be implemented on any surface, modified according to the need of the player and which reacts to the physical impulses of the player just like an acoustic instrument.

by moxi