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Dissonance | László Dubrovay : un innovatore tradizionalista – Ispirazione folklorica nelle opere dell’allievo ungherese di Stockhausen

László Dubrovay: a traditionalist innovator

Folkloric inspiration in the works of Stockhausen’s Hungarian student

Emőke Solymosi Tari
From the first decades of the 20th century onward, folkloric inspiration plays an important role in Hungarian art music. After the first, well-known generation of composers working directly on that material (Bartók, Kodály, Lajtha), the question of the relationship between folklore
and modernity in today’s Hungary remains very little documented: Emőke Solymosi Tari studies László Dubrovay’s trajectory, his relationship to both the Western European avant-gardes and
electroacoustic techniques, and his return to folklore later in life.

by moxi